Today I made this website just for you and your fellow peers. I learned how to link a website to a picture. I am so far successful with my website. I am pleased to say that I am very excited to get started on this website. I can't wait to see it at its finished product!
Mr. Herndon
11/7/2011 11:22:01 pm

I'm glad you enjoyed the website and I'm really excited to see your finished product.

11/9/2011 10:25:07 pm

Today I decided what to put in my ecosystem. I have put a lizard, a culturing isopod, pond, and also a shelter for my little lizard. I plan o planting 2 plants in my ecosystem. I have also put worms in my ecosystem. They will put nitrogen in my soil, and they will be some great decomposers!

Mr. Herndon
11/10/2011 12:32:05 am

This will be a good start for your ecosystem. I think more plants (autotrophs)that you have, the more oxygen you will produce through photosynthesis. You will also need to make sure your Carnivore (lizard) has plenty of prey to eat.

Mr. Herndon
11/13/2011 11:07:00 pm

need more images- have put pics in your dropbox

11/15/2011 04:00:10 am

It sounds like you have put some thought into your project. I will be looking at your web page to check on any new additions.


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