Today, I put up new graphs. I plan on putting up 1 graph every week. I haven't seen my frog, but my O2 readings are high. I hope that means he is still alive. My plants are doing great. I have seen my banana peel is rotting so I wonder if that means that my decomposers are taking place. My grass is still growing. I am glad to see our ecosystem is turning out great so far. I think my animals are hiding. I haven't seen my cockroach, but my biology teacher said they are great hiders. My pill bugs are also hiding. My slugs still haven't came out. I plan to see them soon. I do know that they love moist places, so they are probably in more of a moist place then i know about. In about a week, I plan to see my slugs, and also see my ecosystem become more and more productive.
12/11/2011 10:12:12 pm

Sounds like your system is doing great.


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